Hillary Refuses to Sign Anti-Porn Pledge – Parents Wonder Why Hillary Won’t Protect Their Kids from Online Porn?

EDITORIAL: I don’t need to say a word. This article says it all. Parents on all sides of politics are looking at this one. Who in their right minds don’t want to protect children from online pornography? Violent porn and abnormal fetishes like face sitting (suffocating someone by sitting on their face), scat and bukkake (urinating on people and playing with feces) were banned with great success in the UK. I wholeheartedly believe that the whole Brexit deal is pimps, pornographers and liberal feminists taking over to bring it and more to their land.

Parents need to understand that Amnesty International, a well known and up to now a well respected human rights organization has been taken over by these same predators who are now demanding that pimps be renamed sex workers and that both they and men who buy sex from them have a basic human right to do so.

Renaming pimps as sex workers would mean they have the same rights AND PROTECTIONS that everyone wants to give to prostitutes and sex trafficking victims.

Giving pimps and johns a basic human right to sex traffick our children in sex slavery for their profit and our children’s destruction is EXACTLY what Hillary Clinton is doing when she refuses, same as Barack Obama over the past 8 years, to protect our children from these predators!

They will say it’s about the pimps and pornographers 1st amendment rights. Most of the pimps and pornographers in America today aren’t even Americans. They got here on Obama’s ‘Visa for Sale’ program. They paid a huge fee to come here because they can open a ‘legal’ porn business in California to launder their illegal international sex slave market through, all under the protection of The Democrats. Even Bill Clinton has no problem being photographed with Porn Valley’s pimps and hookers!

And Hillary Clinton just told the Whole Wide World ain’t nothing gonna change about pimping and pornography if she becomes our next President of the United States.

Pimps and Hoes, here we goes. America. The World’s biggest brothel!

The commonsense measure is about protecting America’s kids!


Lifezette by Deirdre Reilly | Updated 01 Aug 2016 at 1:55 PM

One presidential candidate has promised to enforce current obscenity laws to stop hard-core pornography videos on the internet from getting in front of our children. The other presidential candidate is unwilling to make the same promise.

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has signed — no questions asked — the Children’s Internet Safety Pledge from the internet safety organization Enough Is Enough, according to a press release from that organization. Clearly he’s taken the step with families in mind and has pledged to protect American kids from obscene web content.

“You have to wonder about the personal morals of someone who has any problem signing this pledge,” said one mom.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would not sign the pledge.

“This is not a surprise, but you really have to wonder about the personal morals of someone who has any problem signing this pledge,” a Boston-area mother of two told LifeZette. “To leave our children vulnerable to the type of filth, generated for profit, makes me very frightened for her to win the presidency.”

Enough is Enough President Donna Rice Hughes said the Clinton campaign cited a policy of not signing pledges. “Clinton agrees with the goals of the pledge. It’s a good step,” Hughes told The Washington Examiner.

The organization asks all presidential nominees to agree to appoint an attorney general who will aggressively enforce existing laws pertaining to sex trafficking, predation, child pornography, and obscenity, according to a statement about the pledge.

So why won’t Hillary Clinton sign a pledge that is so obviously beneficial for society?

“Pandering and politicizing,” the mom from Boston said bluntly. “It’s more important to protect liberal free-speech advocates — whose votes she needs — than it is our children. And also, that’s who she is, at heart. A liberal.”

Related: No More Porn at McDonald’s or Starbucks

In Washington, oratory outweighs actual accomplishments — but this is an area where tangible progress could actually be achieved. Enough is Enough has a successful record of fighting porn — recently the group, along with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, persuaded McDonald’s, the fast-food giant, to filter porn out of their free Wi-Fi, according to ABC News.

Enough is Enough said in a release that coffee giant Starbucks originally would not agree to do the same, according to The Washington Examiner. Within a few weeks, however, Starbucks changed its corporate thinking and announced a worldwide ban on porn on Wi-Fi in its stores.

Trump stands ready to protect the nation’s children should he reach the Oval Office.

Rice Hughes told The Examiner, “I applaud Mr. Trump’s leadership and commitment to uphold the rule of law as demonstrated by his signing of the Children’s Internet Safety Presidential Pledge. Making the internet safer for children and families is a critical step in making America safe again.”

She added, “President Obama has not enforced the laws at all.”

Although a lot of internet porn content is already illegal, the Justice Department has been reluctant to pursue the issue.

Back in 2008, Rep. Steve Largent termed the billion-dollar internet pornography industry “America’s dirty little secret,” according to CNSNews.com. In an interview at the time, Largent said the Justice Department, acting under Democratic President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno, was “noticeably lax” in enforcing obscenity laws.

“In certain areas they’ve been hyperactive and probably need to take a little Ritalin,” said Largent. “But in other areas, they probably need to turn up the heat, and this is one of them.”

Related: Apps Make It Easy for Teens to Hide Secrets

Part of the scourge of pornography is how it impacts the developing teen brain. In frank terms, it devastates the ideals of love and promotes increasingly risky behavior.

“Many adolescents look at pornography when their parents think they are doing homework,” psychologist Alexandra Katehakis said in Psychology Today. “The adolescent brain is being shaped around a sexual experience that is isolating, visceral, and completely void of any love or compassion. This has the potential to lead to great problems in sexual compulsivity and sex addiction throughout the adolescent boy’s life because his brain gets shaped to expect the ‘heroin-like’ porn dopamine rush from all of his real-life sexual experiences.”

She added, “When he realizes his actual sexual experiences are lacking this rush, he may seek out riskier and more visceral experiences that resonate with his early porn use.”

That Hillary Clinton cannot pledge to fight this damage to growing teens’ brains — though she apparently agrees with the idea of the pledge — appears a dereliction of duty as a candidate for president.

“Who votes for a candidate who claims to have worked her whole life ‘on behalf of children’ but cannot even sign this type of pledge?” one Boston dad of three wondered.

Hughes said she hopes the Clinton campaign changes direction in its anti-pledge policy. “I’m an optimist,” she said, according to The Examiner. “I’m hoping they will decide to make an exception to sign it.”

The dad in Boston was skeptical. “It would be more their style to hope that during the election cycle the issue just goes away.”

THE PLEDGE – The key provisions of the EIE Pledge was written  “so that it would be easy to say yes to.”

Hillary Clinton keeps saying she’s for Families but where are these Families in her platform if she won’t even say she’s against the scourge of online pornography stealing away our children’s innocence?

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson hasn’t signed the pledge either.

Porn Pimping Politics 08/01/16 9:00 PM

It does not require action, but instead encourages moves to fight porn, including the creation of a presidential commission to study the issue.

Parents, take a look for yourself and decide. Is this too much to ask of our government when they’re always saying they are for our children and our children’s future? Donald Trump and the Republicans don’t think so. They’ve made it part of their platform because they know America has a porn problem and it’s causing serious damage to our children!

Donald Trump pledges:

If elected President of the United State of America, I promise to:

1) Uphold the rule of law by aggressively enforce existing federal laws to prevent the sexual exploitation of children online, including the federal obscenity laws, child pornography laws, sexual predation laws and the sex trafficking laws by:

— a. appointing an Attorney General who will make the prosecution of such laws a top priority in my administration and,

— b. Providing the intelligence community and law enforcement with the resources and tools needed to investigate and prosecute Internet crimes involving the sexual exploitation of children.

2) Aggressively enforce the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requiring schools and public libraries using government eRate monies to filter child pornography and pornography by requiring effective oversight by the Federal Communications Commission.

3) Protect and defend the innocence of America’s children by advancing public policies that prevent the sexual exploitation of children in a manner that is consistent with the government’s compelling interest in protecting its most vulnerable citizens, within the limits set forth by the First Amendment.

4) Give serious consideration to appointing a Presidential Commission to examine the harmful public health impact of Internet pornography on youth, families and the American culture and the prevention of the sexual exploitation of children in the digital age.

5) Establish public-private partnerships with Corporate America to step up voluntary efforts to reduce the threat of the Internet-enabled sexual exploitation of children by the implementation of updated corporate policies and viable technology tools and solutions.

Hillary Clinton said NO to your children’s future!



Hillary Clinton posing with gay pornstar, Gavin Waters at a fundraising for her campaign.


Hillary Clinton with one of her interns. Did she recruit the girl into porn? Her liberal kinda feminism sure did. Her porn photo above was actually from 2011, just 5 years after beginning to work for Hillary Clinton and her special brand of female empowerment!


Dennis Hof is an abusive, sex trafficking pimp who owns a monopoly of the only legal brothels in America. It’s called sex tourism which fuels the demand for sex trafficking. Dennis works closely with our legal porn industry. These pimps and pornographers run a huge illegal sex trafficking ring with full immunity by the Democrats.

And Bill Clinton is their buddy too:


You can see why abortions are so important to the Democrats and feminists. They both profit off body parts that come from women and they both protect the johns so they will keep paying.